What to bring to Lake George:

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Camping Equipment

-Good flashlight with extra batteries (essential)
-Canteen (plastic soda bottle or water container) for hiking
-Cup, knife, fork, spoon, bowl (if you don't want to eat on paper)
-Sleeping Bag  (The Outing Club has some extras if arrangements are made in advance.)
-Foam Pad or Air Mattress (The Outing Club has some extras if arrangements are made in advance.)
-Tent (or make arrangements to share tent)  (The Outing Club has some extras if arrangements are made in advance.)

Clothing & Shoes

-wool or warm hat (plus gloves if you want them)
-Work gloves for paddling if canoeing
-complete spare set of clothes (kept dry in an additional plastic bag inside your other bag)
-another complete spare set of clothes (in a small, labelled bag which will be left in the van, so that even in the worst case you have dry clothes to go home in..
-Layers of warm clothing (sweaters, jackets, etc) enough to keep you warm at 40 or not too hot at 65.
-Long Underwear (tops & bottoms)  Polypropylene is recommended, wool or Dacron is OK.  Cotton is NOT warm when wet.
-sneakers or lightweight shoes to wear in boat (plus socks)
-hiking boots or whatever you wear when hiking (plus socks)
-warm socks for at night
-bathing suit if you want to swim

Packs, bags, etc.

-day pack for hiking
-Pack everything into a brand new plastic bag INSIDE of your bag and tie the opening of the plastic bag.  Use any sturdy bag (a backpack is OK but not required)
-As you pack, put all critical items (wallets, cameras, clothes, etc.) into another brand new plastic bag (a sealable food storage or freezer bag INSIDE of your bag or pack).
-also bring extra heavy garbage bags to put over everything put them on only just as you put it in the boat.

Personal items

-towels, washing gear & toiletries
-sunglasses, sunscreen
-Musical Instruments
-First Aid Kit, if you have one
-If you wear contacts, a spare pair of glasses in case you loose a lens.  (not a bad idea also, if you wear glasses, a spare pair of glasses in case something happens.)

Rain Gear

At least a poncho, more complete gear if you have it.  A waterproof or gore-tex jacket (and rain pants) will help paddling in the rain if it comes to that. Some sort of water-proof boots to walk around in might be nice.

Food will be arranged at the pre-trip planning meetings.  Friday night may be eaten on route (as pre-arranged).  For Saturday through Sunday lunch either bring your own or make plans to be with the group.  Sunday night will be eaten on route home.  In any case bring some favorite snacks to eat while hiking or paddling.  Also if you have any special food requirements, bring what you need.  Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.


Call the co-advisor, Prof. Wade, at 718-426-8555.  On the day of the trip, his cell phone is 917-697-5701.  Prof. Tuaillon's (co-advisor) cell phone is: 646-377-1137.  Prof Mazza's (co-advisor) cell phone is 516-670-6307
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General Information:

 We will be on an island which is a state campground, used year-round.  There are fireplaces and picnic tables.  We sleep in tents set up on any convenient flat ground; if you do not have your own tent we can usually arrange to bring extra tents or have you share a tent with others in the group.  (Make sure you have made arrangements for this at the meeting before the trip!)  Sanitary facilities are outhouses spread around the island; you may want to bring toilet paper for your use.

Drinking water comes directly from the lake; NO WASHING OR BATHING IN THE LAKE!  All wash water, cooking waste, etc. must be disposed of on the island, well back from the shore.

The island is heavily used, all garbage must be put into garbage bags and brought back to the mainland on Sunday.  DON'T THROW GARBAGE INTO THE WOODS (not even apple cores, and the like).

There is a healthy population of chipmunks and raccoons on the island; they will be happy to eat their way into any packs or tents which have food in them.  Food should be hung between trees or stored in secure containers whenever the campsite is left unattended.

We depart from Bolton Landing on the west shore of Lake George.  The cars and/or van are left there and it is not feasible to return to them until the end of the trip. Cell phone service is not reliable in Bolton Landing but may work from the island.  (There is no electricity on the island for charging phones or running any appliances.)

The trip is run by IOCA, follow the instructions of the leaders particularly regarding safety.

What not to bring: We are camping along with many other schools in a semi-wilderness setting.  Loud radios and "boom boxes" are inappropriate.  Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are are not permitted by NCC rules.

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